Spirituelles GeldBewusstSein

Geld als leichte, befreiende und tragende Kraft in Deinem Leben

Brahman Menor

Pranic Teacher


Brahman Menor

Pranic Teacher

Apart from all the personal benefits that Pranic Living can bring you, Pranic Living can do so much more…..

What would happen if the majority of humanity ate less than 10% of what they eat now? When a certain percentage (critical mass) of humanity has experienced “Pranic Living”, it will mean a turnaround for all of humanity.

This may mean that from that moment something changes in the DNA and in the cells of humanity and then Pranic Living is a CONSCIOUS knowing in every new human being.

As a result, we already know from birth that we can survive on almost nothing and we no longer have to abuse the earth, animals and other people. The emotionally bound food is then no longer present in the new person. Some children already have this naturally and, no longer want to eat animals or just much less than average.

If several generations are born in this way, the conditioning on food will decrease further and we can grow up in freedom. When this has been experienced worldwide, we start living from one consciousness.

We can enter a new period in which we treat people, animals and nature differently, and this can make a major contribution to a beautiful life on Earth. 

Kurs in Pranic Living


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